ROMS & PIDs: Research outputs logged, registered, and tracked


  1. Assist other funders and institutions in adopting Research Output Management Systems (ROMS) and Persistent Identifiers (PIDs)
  2. Demonstrate how facilitating early and structured sharing of research outputs fuels collaboration and greater discoverability of work in advance of a publication
  3. Assess the resourcing and tool chain needed to implement early and structured sharing of outputs on scale
  4. Work with consumers of ROMS/PIDs data on how ROMS data as well as impact measures of ROMS items can inform assessment, funding decisions and tenure and promotion


Kristen Ratan
Kristen Ratan
Strategies for Open Science (Stratos)
Maryrose Franko
Maryrose Franko
The Health Research Alliance

Description & Deliverables

This project will produce pathways, documentation, and implementation plans for how to set up and run a ROMS, apply PIDs to all research outputs, utilize FAIR repositories, and track uptake and impact of shared research outputs. This will include specifications, guidelines, and infrastructure that facilitate logging research outputs early in the research process in a Research Output Management System (ROMS), posting them in FAIR repositories that assign Persistent Identifiers (PIDs such as a DOI) to enable fully transparent, reproducible research communication, and compliance-monitoring and tracking activity, impact, reach, and reuse.


  • A generic version of the ROMS database schema, including recommended input and outputs
  • Report on how integrations with leading repositories would work and be facilitated
  • Best practices and guidance documents for implementing a ROMS within a project, team, or organization
  • Product analytics and reporting and work with funders and institutions to meet their needs
  • Pilots or demonstration cases implemented to serve as exemplars or case studies

What’s Needed

  • Research groups or orgs interested in piloting a ROMS and receiving analytics on research outputs outside of traditional publishing
  • Participation from PID organizations, repositories, data source and analysis tools and services


Ashley Farley, David Carr, Dario Alessi, Damian Pattinson, Danil Mikhailov, Sarah Greene, Dick Wilder

Case Study: ASAP

Aligning Science Across Parkinson’s (ASAP) is a funding initiative focused on accelerating Parkinson’s disease research through facilitating collaboration, generation of resources and data sharing. This initiative has progressive open science policies for its grantees, requiring preprint deposition, sharing of datasets, code, protocols, and resources at the time an article is submitted for a journal to review. To assist with cataloging of resources, ASAP began piloting a ROMS prototype, with grantees self-reporting research outputs and preprints. Automated tools are being explored to collect additional metadata and impact measures from third party repositories. ICOR is building upon this work, to develop an off the shelf solution as a best practice that other funders could follow.