Harmonising Research Metrics and Indicators Across the Ecosystem

We are excited to announce our final ICOR public meeting of the year. The topic will focus on the opportunity for alignment on developing and using research metrics and indicators. Please join us on November 13, (8am PST, 11am EST, 4pm GMT, 5pm CET).

Here, you can find the meeting’s public agenda and a link to register for the event.

The ways in which we measure and evaluate research have traditionally been constrained by narrow metrics. But the tide is slowly turning. Over the past decade, the responsible research assessment movement has gained momentum and offered structured narratives as an alternative to communicating research impact. At the same time, there has been progress in developing new indicators for open scholarship to demonstrate impact and recognize and encourage open practices. As new indicators are developed, there is scope for the community to align on good practices for assessment and provide a more comprehensive and nuanced understanding of research quality and impact.

This ICOR meeting seeks to understand the diverse strategies for effectively communicating research impact across various contexts. As a recent blog on the evolving landscape of research assessment highlights, “responsible research assessment and open scholarship are intrinsically linked.” This close relationship underscores the necessity for compatible and complementary indicators to offer meaningful evidence for hiring, promotion, and funding decisions. As we shift towards assessing broader impact, promoting open scholarship, and upholding responsible research practices, it is crucial that the community works together towards a collaborative, balanced and holistic approach to ensure a fair and accurate assessment of research.

To kick-off the meeting Anna Hatch, Program Officer, Open Science Strategy at Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) will briefly introduce the topic and introduce our three expert speakers who will share examples of some contemporary research assessment approaches. Their presentations will illustrate how, as a community, we can connect and learn from one another when developing and using new indicators and metrics for research assessment.


  1. Research metrics – shared goals for all (15 minutes with 5 minutes for questions)

           Kelly Cobey, University of Ottawa Heart Institute and Co-Chair of DORA

  1. The emergence of structured narratives (15 minutes with 5 minutes for questions)

           Karen Stroobants, CultureBase Consulting

  1. Balancing data driven metrics with appropriate context (15 minutes with 5 minutes for questions)

           Iratxe Puebla, Make Data Count

Put November 13, (8am PST, 11am EST, 4pm GMT, 5pm CET) in your diary and book your place at the meeting by registering here. And please do keep adding your ideas for meeting topics for the ICOR public meetings through this Google Form. We are actively looking for new topics for 2025.