GraspOS: next Generation Research Assessment to Promote Open Science

GraspOS aims to develop, assess and operate an open and trusted federated infrastructure for next generation research metrics and indicators, offering data, tools, services and guidance to further extend the reach and influence of open science.

  |  Updated: 28 May 2024

GraspOS: next Generation Research Assessment to Promote Open Science

Project Page

Project Goals

GraspOS aims to build and operate a data infrastructure to support the policy reforms and pave the way towards a responsible research assessment system that embeds open science practices and accelerates its adoption in Europe. These tools and services will build upon multiple sources of metric data that will be federated in the context of the project, and will take into consideration both contemporary guidelines for Responsible Research Assessment (RRA), like those provided by initiatives like DORA and the Leiden Manifesto, and the suggestions from a diversity of relevant stakeholders. GraspOS will also incorporate piloting activities to co-design, showcase, validate, and evaluate GraspOS’s key results considering domain-specific aspects and different levels of open science-aware RRA, such as the researcher (individual/group), institution, and national level.

  1. Open Science Assessment Framework (OSAF): A living and collaborative guide detailing indicator toolboxes and metrics capturing different OS practices and activities in various contexts.
  2. Assessment Portfolios: Responsible Research Assessment templates that can be used as fit-for-purpose templates for collecting and structuring both quantitative and qualitative indicators.
  3. Assessment Registry: An online database of OSAF-based Openness profiles and case studies in a structured and systematic way to promote experience sharing and mutual learning
  4. Enrichment Services: Tools and services for enhancing missing attributes on research outputs (e.g., identifying OA timeliness, Green/Gold/Diamond, open licensing, related entities/identifiers, provenance, collaboration with NGOs/Civic Organisations), enriching research output links with semantics, enriching research output with novel metrics capturing scientific impact or usage of OS from different perspectives, e.g., short- vs. long-term impact, OS collaboration impact.
  5. Monitoring Services: (a) an OS Institutional Dashboard, a tailor-made OS Profile for research performing organisations; (b) an OS Researcher Dashboard, a tailor-made OS Profile for researchers, offering OS metrics and functions for manual annotations (correction/edits/additions) and narrative.
  6. Open and Federated Research Assessment Infrastructure: A federated infrastructure that extends EIF with the appropriate metadata standards, protocols, components and APIs to support AI-driven annotation/enrichment and to implement an EOSC Core Metrics service based on the integration of key GraspOS components.
  7. Pilots: Piloting activities to co-design, showcase, validate, and evaluate GraspOS’s key results considering domain-specific aspects and different levels of OS-aware RRA
  8. Community of Practice: A diverse community of RRA experts from relevant networks.
  9. Training material: A set of carefully designed training material accessible via the EOSC Knowledge Hub.