Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)

DOAJ is a unique and extensive index of diverse open-access journals from around the world. It is driven by a growing community committed to ensuring quality content is freely available online for everyone.

  |  Updated: 24 Jun 2024

IS4OA Denmark

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Project Goals

DOAJ works to build an equitable and diverse scholarly ecosystem where trusted research can be accessed globally without barriers.

  • Twenty years at the heart of quality, peer-reviewed open access journal publishing, indexing of 20,000 peer-reviewed scholarly journals.
  • A building block for commercial and non-commercial discovery systems, knowledge bases and search engines: we are a trusted source for over 10 million articles and 20,000 journals. Our metadata is ingested and reused across the global discovery and search landscape.
  • DOAJ criteria have become the de facto global standard for open access journals, and we work actively to promote standards in journal publishing through services such as the OA Journals Toolkit, the Principles of Best Practice and Transparency in Scholarly Publishing, and our global ambassador program.
What's Needed

DOAJ needs funding for:

  • Developing enhanced support for diamond journals, including: preservation, enhanced visibility, guidance and help for publishers and editors
  • Global support for journal publishers and editors through: an extended Ambassador program, the appointment of regional co-ordinators, new solutions for multilingual metadata and website
  • Investment in our technical infrastructure to: use machine learning to automate processes and enable our team to focus on high-value activities and develop our capabilities to ingest articles from journals instead of relying on journal staff to send content to us.
  • Strengthen DOAJ’s coverage of trusted journals significantly by supporting integrations and collaboration with global indexes, e.g. Redalyc, Scielo, Latindex, to enhance the visibility of trusted OA globally through library discovery systems and other tools.