HuMetricsHSS: Humane Metrics Initiative

HuMetricsHSS is an initiative that creates and supports values-enacted frameworks for understanding and evaluating all aspects of the scholarly life well-lived and for promoting the nurturing of these values in scholarly practice.

  |  Updated: 23 Aug 2024

HuMetricsHSS: Humane Metrics Initiative

Project Page

Project Goals

The HuMetricsHSS initiative endeavours to help create and support frameworks that enable members of the academy writ large to reflect upon and identify the core values that animate their work, to consider how their values align with those of the institutions in which they work, and to develop indicators of impact that demonstrate how these values are enacted in the practices and the products of their work. By cultivating institutional and individual habits of dialogue that identify core values, specify practices that enact those values, and reward results that embody those values, the HuMetricsHSS initiative seeks to disrupt the alienating effect quantitative metrics have on scholarly life.


HuMetricsHSS supports the creation of values-based frameworks to guide all kinds of scholarly process, and to promote the nurturing of a values-enacted approach to academia writ large. This is done through workshops designed to step participants through a process to reflect on their core values as scholars, administrators, and academic staff, and to identify tools and indicators to transform their daily work and reward the ways in which their daily work is already transformative.