
PathOS is a Horizon Europe project aimed at better understanding and measuring of Open Science impacts and their causal mechanisms. The project will collect concrete evidence of Open Science effects, study the pathways of Open Science practices, from input to output, outcome and impact, including the consideration of enabling factors and key barriers.

  |  Updated: 20 May 2024


Project Page

Project Goals

Launched in September 2022, PathOS brings together 10 partners to decode and measure the multifaceted impacts of Open Science (OS). With a focus on elucidating the causal dynamics within OS, the project caters to an audience spanning policymakers, researchers, and the wider scientific community. At its core, PathOS is about forging innovative methodologies and tools, and deepening understanding to shape impactful Open Science policies.


PathOS provides a wide range of resources that shed light on the effects of Open Science and aid in crafting effective policies. The PathOS Open Science Resources hub is the home for essential tools such as the Open Science Indicator Handbook, a curated Zotero library tracking the academic, societal and economic impacts of Open Science Library literature. The resource hub will overtime include a portfolio of Open Science Stories, Tools & Data for impact measurement, and frameworks for Open Science impact pathways and cost-benefit analysis as well as comprehensive training resources & materials.