
SciLake increases discoverability and reproducibility of open scientific content through the creation of scientific/scholarly knowledge graphs (SKGs) and the implementation of technologies to support data science and graph mining queries.

  |  Updated: 29 May 2024


Project Page

Project Goals

SciLake’s overarching goal is to increase discoverability and reproducibility of open scientific content. It aims to do this by:

  • Identifying and addressing domain-specific cross-disciplinary information needs while managing heterogeneous scholarly content
  • Democratizing scholarly content by facilitating, interlinking, and managing community-based SKGs
  • Developing and making openly available a toolkit for acquiring raw and unstructured scholarly content and for creating, interlinking, and managing SKGs
  • Identifying research trends and valuable research objects
  • Assessing research reproducibility and replicability/repeatability
  • Customising, testing, and demonstrating developed services in real-world scenarios
  • Leveraging & enriching the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) services

SciLake’s deliverables can be found here.